Two officials charged with Sh49million fertilizer fraud

by bulk press Media

Two Government Officials accused of conspiring to defraud the Government Sh 49Million in fake fertilizer deal have been charged at a Nairobi court.

The two, Kiprotich Ronald Tonui and Edwin Ombui Oseko appeared before Milimani Magistrate Bernard Ochoi and denied several counts of charges. They were charged that jointly with others not before thecourt, conspired to defraud the government 19,913 bags each of 50kg subsidyFertilizer valued at Sh 49,787,500.

They allegedly committed the offense on July 28, 2023 at an unknown place within the country. They faced a second count of abuse of office against the law.

The court heard that on November 7, 2023 at the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development Kilimo House within Nairobi County, Kiprotich in abuse of the said office arbitrarily recommended the registration of Wilson Letuya  Mempe as a farmer with 1,800 acres of land forcrop farming at Melelo Sub-Location in Narok South  Su-County within Narok County.

The prosecution said the recommendation lead  to the said farmer  to redeem a total of 7,200 bags each 50kg ofGovernment subsidy Fertilizer valued at Sh 18,000,000. An act which was prejudicial to the office of information communication Technology of theministry.

He is said to have done that by being a person employed in the public service to wit Assistant Director Information Communication Technology Head of I.C.T section. They faced a last count of abuse of office contrary to the law.

The court was informed that Kiprotich also recommended unlawfully the registration of WilsonSesat Marindany as a farmer with 1, 200 acres of land for crop farming in Narok which would lead to the said farmer to redeem a total 4,800 bags each 50kg of Government SubsidyFertilizer valued at Sh 12,000,000.

The act which was prejudicial to the office of Information Communication Technology of the ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development.

They denied the charges and were released on a Sh 8 Million bond each. The case will be mentioned after two weeks.

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