448KM walk not easy, media personality says after walk

by bulk press Media
Cynthia Nyamai

Walking for 488 KM from Mombasa to Nairobi is not easy ,i dont think i will ever do it again, Media personality Cynthia Nyamai who finished the walk said on Friday.

She said it was not easy especially on the first days because of the extreme high temperatures and hilly places in the Coastal region


“It was not  an easy task  even after the training we had in Nairobi because the temperatures would get so high in Mombasa ,”Nyamai told the Media .

She said at the moment she is committed to raising Sh 66 million to build a multipurpose pitch with changing rooms for 5500 pupils of Olympic primary and the community at large.

“So far we have managed to raise 5 million from well wishers which 3.5 million has already been used to start the work of the pitch ,”Nyamai said after finishing the walk .

She said all was not smooth  as along the way she had a heat stroke ,lost consious for a few minutes and rushed to the hospital on the seventh day of the 15 days .

“I want to thank  police officer Paul Gachango who walked the  remaining 10 KM for that day  since i could not do more as i was carried by the Ambulance,”She said.


She said she suffered a heat stroke and fell.Lost bearing for a few minutes .

Nyamai said covering an impressive 40 to 45 KM everyday needed both physical and mental endurance noting that some days she walk up depressed.

The media personality said the work of the pitch  involves the construction of a footaball stadium facility complete with bleachers all round the pitch,teams changing for both girls and boys,ablution facilities for both girls and boys,stadium lighting ,drainage facilities ,anticlimb marking of pitch , pitch accessories like goals among others.

She said the charity walk has garnered widespread atteantion and support from well wishers.

Nyamai was on Friday received by Kibra MP Peter Orero  and Rig East Africa media.

Orero said he walked the first 100 KM from Mombasa  but had to come to Nairobi to  attend to his constituents as well as Parliament.

He said one of his agenda is to build youth through sports.

“We must nurture talent and develop by providing adequate facilities,”he said.

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