A middle aged woman has been charged obtaining goods worth Sh11 million by pretending to be in a position to pay a fact she knew to be false.

by bulk press Media

Phylis Njeri Kanyiri was arraigned in a Nairobi Court and denied various charges of obtaining goods by false pretenses.

In the first charge she was accused of fraudulently obtaining 21 HP Laptops and a printer all valued at Ksh 1,846,500 from Robinson Shitambasi by falsely pretending she would pay.

In the second charge she is said to have obtained 500 bags of green grams valued at Ksh 4,750,000 on diverse dates between June 29 and July 11, 2023 from Dorothy Gacheri using fraudulent narrative of paying on a later date.

She also faced another charge of fraudulently obtaing 700 Jerricans of 10 liter Salit cooking oil valued at Ksh 2,310,000 from Lucas Kamau by falsely pretending she would pay.

Further she was charged that on diverse dates between September 22 and October 19, 2023 at Westland road in Nairobi, obtained 200 jerricans of 20 Liter Rina cooking oil and and 750 Menengai bar soap of 800 grams valued at Ksh 2,880,000 from Titus Adungo by falsely pretending she would pay.

Appearing before Milimani Law Courts Principal Magistrate Martha Nazushi, the accused denied that charges and was released on a bond of Ksh 2.5 million with an alternative cash bail of Ksh 700,000.

The case will be mentioned on December 8,2023.

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