Diplomat sues MP Caleb Amisi over Sh10million debt

by bulk press Media

A petition has been filed against Saboti Member of Parliament Caleb Amisi for allegedly failing to pay soft loans he took from a diplomat.
The diplomat, through his lawyer Daniel Achach, claims that they first met sometime in June 2021 when Amisi and other Members of Parliament paid an official visit to IGAD offices in Djibouti, after which they became friends, exchanged contacts, and kept talking thereafter.

“The plaintiff prays for judgment against the defendant, Sixty Thousand Three Hundred USD (USD 60,300.00), and reads court papers
He claims that on diverse dates between January 2022 and September 2022, the defendant herein approached the plaintiff and requested soft loans of different amounts.

He claims that the MP told him that he was campaigning to regain his National Assembly seat in the general elections slated later that year and that he was unable to raise enough funds through donations and fundraisers and, hence, needed a refundable soft loan.

He further claims that It was their understanding that upon winning the elections and being sworn in, the lawmaker would pay all the soft loans advanced in one installment.
“In the alternative, Defendant expressed to Plaintiff that should he not win in the elections, he would give Plaintiff a payment proposal that would be acceptable, but Defendant was almost very sure of a win with Plaintiff soft loan,” reads court papers

Despite the plaintiff meeting his part of the agreement, the MP has allegedly failed to repay the soft loans advanced to him by the plaintiff.

“I continue to suffer loss and damages… Plaintiff made several attempts to reach out to Defendant for the payment, but Defendant became evasive, slippery, and also for a long time, and when he finally did, Defendant became abusive and threatening to Plaintiff,” claims the diplomat

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