Government plan to undertake disability survey

by bulk press Media

Government plans to undertake disability survey to ascertain accurate numbers of people living with disability in the country. The government has announced it will soon embark on collection of data for the people living with disabilities in the country.

Labour and Social Protection Cabinet Secretary Florence Bore has said the survey aims to make available a comprehensive and reliable statistics, characteristics and accurate numbers of the group.
“The survey will use enhanced and extended set of questions, child functioning model for children together with other models to ensure data on children is captured”, said the Cabinet Secretary.

In a speech read on her behalf by the Acting Secretary Directorate of Social Development Lissel Mogaka, the Cabinet Secretary said the government was keen to provide a diversified individual support ensuring that every person living with disability in the country gets access to the necessary support they need.
She made the remarks today at the Kenya School of Government during the official opening of the Kenya Disability Inclusion Conference 2023.

“Community and support and care systems is therefore a key theme of this conference as the government focuses on initiating gender responsive and disability inclusive programmes that support persons with disabilities”, she added.
At the same time, the National Council for Persons living with Disability in Kenya Chief Executive Officer Harun Hassan lauded the government for ensuring that people living with disability access health and other basic services they require.

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