National fund for disabled calls for priority in accessibility

by bulk press Media

National Fund for Disabled of Kenya has called on the Nairobi County to dedicate funds in annual budgeting to proiritize accessibility to persons with disability.

Chairperson of the fund Dr Kristina Kenyatta Pratt said the basic entitlements should go schools,hospitals and rehabilitation centres .

Pratt further called on other stateholders including the media to join the fund in changing the narrative through inclussive programming to realize a society free from environmental,attitudinal and social barriers for persons with disabilities.

“Today,the fund will be presenting assistive devices and tools for economic empowerment to 375 induviduals drawn from all the subcounties in Nairobi county,”Pratt said while presenting tools of trade and assistive devices to persons with disabilities in Nairobi.

She said the tools and devices are worth Ksh 11,991,129.

The Chairperson said it is proper to note that through their flagship programme which is anchored on the right to education of learners with disabilities ,Nairobi region has benefited with a total of 14 projects in various special schools and units with Ksh 35000,000.

She said the fund shall continue to advocate for the right of persons with disabilities through programmes to enable them full access to livehoods as the cycle of poverty and disabilities will not end without access to economic opportunities.

Pratt noted that better economic opportunities goes along way in breaking down barriers both physical and attitudinal attatched to the capacities of persons with disabilities and challenge perceptions that persons with disabilities are either unable to work or can not be accomodated in the work places.

“Inclussive livelihoods opportunities contribute to the self reliance and resilience of persons with disabilities,empowering them to meet their needs in a sustainable and dignified manner and reduces dependency ,”Pratt said.

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