CS Bore lists persons with disabilities to benefit from Inua Jamii cash,
Cabinet Secretary for Labour and Social Protection Florence Bore has said her Ministry has listed about 137,119 persons with disability who will benefit from the Inua Jamii cash transfer programme.
CS Bore said this is in line with President William Ruto’s commitment. The CS said the people will be subjected to further checks to ensure they meet the elegibility criteria for the persons with severe disabilities Cash Transfer Programme.
“Out of this,a total of 28,152 house holds with severe disabilities will be enrolled to the programme as replacements or scale ups,”CS Bore said during marking of the International day for persons with disabilities in Makutano Stadium in West Pokot county on Sunday.
She said Implementation of 5 percent employment reservation for persons with dosabilities in Public Sector is part of the milestone in ensuring the inclusion of persons with disabilities in development through economic empowerment.
The CS said implementation of the affirmative action under the access government procurement opportunities where 30 percent of government tenders are reserved for persons with disability is another milestone.m She further said the Ministry provides technical skills to persons with disability in 12 Vocational Rehabilitation Centres across the country.
The CS said graduates of the Centres are provided with relevant business start ups toolkits to enable them engage in income generating activities for self reliance and independent living.”Every year the centres train approximately 700 persons on Information Communication technology,electrical installation, fashion and desigh among others,”CS Bore said.
She urged all persons with disabilities to take advantage of these centres to acquire the requisite skills. The CS said the Ministry in addition is partnering with UNICEF through the Inclusive Humanitarian Model (IHM).
“Through the iniative UNICEF provides cash transfer of KSh 10,000 per three months cycle in ayear to 332 household beneficiaries in Kacheliba,”CS Bore said.
She said her Ministry in collaboration with the Kenya National Bereau of statistics and organizations of and for persons with disabilities among other stakeholders undertook a support assessment for persons with disabilities and their caregivers in March 2022.
“The main objective of the assessment waa to provide evidence on the met and unmet support needs of the diverse persons with disabilities and their family members to inform the desigh of inclusive social protection schemes.